Happy 44th Birthday, Apple.

44 years ago today, Apple was founded by 3 people in a business partnership: Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and lesser-known Ronald Wayne, the ladder of which sold his 10% share of the company 12 days after the company’s founding for…

Apple acquires Dark Sky Weather

On March 31, 2020, Dark Sky Weather announced on its blog that Dark Sky was joining Apple. Dark Sky is currently ranked as the #1 weather app on the App Store. Dark Sky Weather provides down-to-the-minute forecasts, “beautiful weather animations,”…

iOS 13.4.5 Developer beta out now

iOS 13.4.5 BETA

Apple today released the first developer beta for iOS 13.4.5. Apple last week released iOS 13.4 and iPadOS 13.4 with many new features, the release notes suggest this update is to focus on bug fixes and performance improvements, but there…