Starting today, WhatsApp users will be able to make end-to-end encrypted calls through the desktop application on a Windows 10 PC or Mac running macOS 10.13 or later.
WhatsApp promises that calls are secured with end-to-end encrypted, similar to how messages are sent and received on the platform, and that Facebook cannot eavesdrop on any call.
It says that WhatsApp Desktop will initially support one-to-one calls (with another person) but support for group chats will be added soon. Calls can be set to stay on top of other windows and also support both portrait and landscape views.
We made sure it works seamlessly for both portrait and landscape orientation, appears in a resizable standalone window on your computer screen, and is set to be always on top so you never lose your video chats in a browser tab or stack of open windows.
Download WhatsApp Desktop from the WhatsApp website and link your phone to start making calls and sending messages. WhatsApp recently added an additional form of security when linking your account to another device, so you’ll have to confirm with Face ID or Touch ID.