Back in July, Twitter announced in a blog post that they would begin testing a new Shop Module which allows creators to place products on their account and accept payments.
Twitter originally described this new pilot program as
…a feature that allows us to explore how shoppable profiles can create a pathway from talking about and discovering products on Twitter to actually purchasing them.
Twitter Blog
Four months following the initial announcement, Twitter has shared on their Blog that they plan on launching the first public test of Live Shopping on Twitter. This test will allow a collaboration between Jason Derulo and Walmart to take place on Jason’s Twitter account at 7PM on Sunday, November 28.
Using the new shopping feature, stream viewers can watch the live broadcast, interact with a shoppable banner and shop tab while chatting in the live comments with other viewers.
All purchases that are made during the livestream will direct to the merchants website while the stream is still running. In this case, the customers will be taken to Walmart’s site to purchase products that appear during the stream.
What do you think of this live shopping feature? Let us know on Twitter @AppleTLDNews