Telegram for iPhone and iPad receives new widgets, automatically deleting messages and improvements to groups in the latest update, available now.
Similar to WhatsApp, Telegram users can set a time period after which messages in a conversation will be permanently removed. This also works in groups, and must be enabled on a chat-by-chat basis.
Apple revamped widgets and bought them to the Home Screen with iOS 14. Telegram is the latest of many developers to add support for widgets, with two new types — Chat and Shortcut.
The Chat widget displays a preview of recent conversations, while Shortcut shows thumbnails of eight contacts. Both of these can be customised by force holding on the widget and tapping Edit Widget.
Invite links for group chats can be set to expire after a set time or number of uses, while the limit of 200,000 group members can be bypassed by converting to a broadcast group.
More animated emoji, changes to the report tool and better chat import features have also been added with the update.
Download Telegram for iOS from the App Store.