Popular chat app Discord gets a redesign

In a blog post on Discord’s 6th birthday yesterday, the popular chat app with over 150 million monthly active users announced a new redesign– with a refreshed logo, new colors, and a new font called “Ginto.”

Discord’s new logo

The change has been controversial, with some people hating it, some loving it, and others being indifferent about it. However, Discord took the community’s feedback in mind when creating this design, asking 26,000 people for their thoughts on style, colors, and even the way we talk about Discord.

Along with the redesign, the company launched a new “Imagine a Place” mantra that you’ll see across the company’s website.

Imagine a Place is our new mantra that brings to life the fact that Discord means so many different things to so many people around the world. It’s a creation and collaboration with the community that we are proud of, and we hope you are too.

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