Apple updated the iPad Pro back in March, with an A12Z processor, dual-cameras with LiDAR and other small improvements. The previous version, released in 2018, underwent a tough durability test by JerryRigEverything, and was bent in half.
So that left many questioning whether Apple had fixed the durability flaws in the iPad Pro with this year’s updated model. In a new video, Zack points out that no, Apple has not fixed the weaknesses with the design.
Apple likely knows about the design flaws, as they would with most products and so it’s unfair to expect big changes to the durability factor until another redesign is introduced. But most people won’t put their iPad Pro under this amount of strain and most, well, they’re never going to experience these types of problems.
Author’s Opinion
It’s due to the microphone hole on the side of the tablet. This causes the chassis to simply bend in half. Apple has not changed the internal structure of the iPad, nor the materials used. Durability wise, it’s practically the same as the 2018 model.
Were major changes expected? No, the improvements were minor and it looked unlikely that Apple would make large adjustments to the design to go alongside a minor spec update.