PSA: Don’t share this viral text string that crashes Apple devices

A new string of text is going viral on social media and other platforms after being discovered through a Telegram group and being shared on Reddit. This string of text exploits a bug in iOS that will crash your device, the application you’re using or cause other issues.

It includes an emoji and some Sindhi characters, and when your iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple Watch (yes!) receive a notification with that combination, you will run into a drop in performance or crash. It’s currently going viral on Twitter and has broken hundreds of users app and iOS experience. We advise you not to share it if you come across it, and you’ll know if you do as your device will stop responding.

Other bugs similar to this have appeared in iOS before, dating back to 2015, but this bug also affects Mac and Apple Watch as well.

Apple has yet to fix the issue but will likely release a software update to address this and other exploits in the next few days. Beta testers suggest this doesn’t work in iOS 13.4.5 Beta 2, which was released last week. To temporarily resolve the issue, a device restart usually works. Let us know if you’ve come across this bug!

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Ben Ward

Senior Editor, discussing everything Apple and supporting other writers and members of Apple TLD's team of volunteers.

Articles: 625

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