Apple recently launched the new iOS 13 in its WWDC event. The public beta is now available for everyone to download and install in their iPhones or iPods. Given this is a beta update, it is still recommended to have a backup of all your data or if you are too concerned about your data, you can skip the beta update and wait for the full release of iOS 13 which is expected to release this fall along with this year’s iPhones. To get the iOS 23 beta update, you should be a member of Apple’s Beta Software Program.
Besides the new Dark Mode, all new Maps App, faster face unlock, smaller app downloads and many major improvements, iOS usually packs many minor hidden improvements that don’t make it to the keynote. These launches are minor improvements sometimes that it goes unnoticed but it may also include some major improvements and tweaks that make the user experience better and new like the new volume control indicator. Here, I will cover my top 5 hidden features from the first public beta release of the iOS 13.
Optimized Battery Charging
Apple introduced Optimized Battery Charging with iOS 13 and according to Apple, the iPhone learns from your daily charging routine and waits to finish charging past 80 percent until you need to use it, which is meant to cut down on battery aging.
Lithium-ion batteries used in our smartphones doesn’t have to be juiced up 100% all the time. Keeping that 100% all the time is actually worse for their health. Ideally, you want to keep a lithium-ion battery charged up to around 80 percent and only discharge it to around 20 percent for the best longevity. Doing so preserves your battery’s health so it lasts longer.
PS4/XBOX One S Controller Support
Android smartphones supported Xbox controllers for quite some time now and this was useful for the gamers when playing PUBG. Not many users use an Xbox controller on their smartphones but this made to my top 5 list as smartphone gaming is increasing rapidly these days. This is evident from the fact that many major players like Asus, Razer are making totally gaming centric smartphones and in some markets of Asia, smartphones are launched solely for the purpose of playing pubg and they have seen huge success.
Apple announced PS4/Xbox One S controller support with the new tvOS for the Apple TV, but they have also secretly stashed this feature with iOS 13.
New Volume Indicator
The Volume Control Indicator in iPhones till now was obtrusive and big in the middle of the screen. This is now changed with the new iOS 13 update where Apple has finally replaced the volume indicator with a smaller vertical bar in the upper left corner of the display.
You can also drag this volume bar up and down to control the volume with your finger.
Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Connections in Control Center
From the Control Panel, you could only enable/disable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. When it comes to changing to a different hotspot or connecting with a new device via Bluetooth, you still need to go all the way into the settings app to do. With iOS 13, you can long press on the Wi-Fi or the Bluetooth buttons to expand the connections available and then change your connection.
Download Large Apps Over Cellular
In previous iOS versions, if you wanted to download a big app from App Store, it could be done with a Wi-Fi connection. This limit is for apps which are just over 200MB. With iOS 13, you can really put your unlimited data plan to the test with multi-gigabyte downloads.
The new popup for apps over 200MB allows you to download later over Wi-Fi or right away over cellular. And you can disable the prompt forever by going to Settings > iTunes & App Store, you can set iOS to always allow app downloads over cellular, ask only when over 200MB, or always ask.