Google is discontinuing its Pixel 4 and 4 XL flagship phones, less than one year after launching them. Both devices are out of stock in the US Google Store and in other areas.
The company confirmed that it has “sold through its inventory and completed sales of Pixel 4 and 4 XL” whilst also adding that some suppliers may have limited stock: “the product is available from some partners while supplies last”.
The Pixel 4 will continue to receive security and feature updates for the next three years and won’t be dropped from support until then. Google has only discontinued the device from its Store.
On August 20th, Google will release the Pixel 4a, its budget phone with a holepunch camera, 5.8-inch OLED display and single camera (read our recap of the 4a’s specs here). It will cost $349 and be available in one colour: Just Black.