Apple has been working extensively on making ARM-based processors for their Macs, and 2021 seems to be the year we will see the first Mac to ditch Intel. According to Mark Gurman from Bloomberg, Apple is working on a 12-core processor currently that is based on the A14 chip that’ll be seen in the upcoming iPhones. The CPU will be based on a 5-nm process similar to the upcoming A14, and will have 8 high-performance cores and 4 low-performance cores. The processor will be made by TSMC who also builds the A series chips for iPhones and iPads.
Apple’s shift to its own processors is more complex than it seems and therefore Apple will be launching a new MacBook line next year as this processor won’t be as powerful as the current Intel chips. Apple’s decision to shift to its own processors comes as it plans to gain more control over the performance and upgrade cycle of its Mac lineup.