Apple has announced the new iPhone SE, with an A13 Bionic chip, 4.7-inch display and Touch ID. To go alongside this, the company today released new leather and silicone cases for the device.
Silicone cases, starting at $35, are available in pink sand, white and black. You can purchase them now, and they’re set to arrive on April 17. These are the only colours available at this time.
Leather cases are slightly pricier, and begin at $45. Three colours are available: midnight blue, Product RED and black, and are also available now to order.
We could see new leather releases for the iPhone 11 soon, as Apple is offering these for their cheapest device, but not the flagship. Obviously, you can purchase third-party cases for both the new iPhone SE and 11 from Amazon and other online stores.
Source: 9to5Mac