This weekend, Apple has released a brand new video shot entirely on iPhone 11 Pro to add to the “Shot on iPhone Experiments”. The video is titled “Fire & Ice” and features a behind the scenes to showcase how the video was made as well.
The “Fire & Ice” video was shot on an iPhone 11 Pro by Donghoon Jun and James Thornton of Incite, and the video was later commissioned by Apple for the series. The video features incredible closeups of fire and ice in different forms and environments throughout the world.
The video utilizes and shows off some of the best features of the iPhone 11 Pro camera. Some of these include 4K capability, slo-mo, and more.
This is the fourth video in the series and it’s the first one to be shot with the brand new iPhone 11 Pro. Here is how Apple itself describes the series:
See what’s possible given an iPhone, simple materials, and boundless creativity. Our Experiments series creates immersive, dazzling worlds, all Shot on iPhone. Lose yourself in the abstract visuals of each episode before going behind the scenes to see how it was made.
Watch the new “Fire & Ice” video below and then check out the behind the scenes afterwards. Be sure to let us know what you think of them down in the comments below!