Apple announces Season 2 release, Season 3 renewal for Dickinson

Apple has released a new trailer for the second season of Apple TV+ Original Dickinson. The new season will premiere just after the new year on January 8th, 2021. The season will launch with 3 episodes, with following episodes weekly on Fridays. Additionally, the series has received an early Season 3 renewal.

Dickinson Season 2 Trailer

In the second season of the Peabody Award winning series starring Hailee Steinfeld as Emily Dickinson, Emily is pulled out of her private literary life and thrust into the public eye, while struggling with the sense that the pursuit of fame might be a dangerous game for her to play.

Dickinson is a half-hour comedy series that audaciously explores the constraints of society, gender and family from the perspective of rebellious young poet Emily Dickinson. Set in the 19th century, the series is a coming-of-age story that finds Emily to be the unexpected hero for our millennial generation.

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