At the annual event today, Apple has unveiled the iPhone 11, the successor to last year’s XR. The new device packs in new colors, camera upgrades and so much more.
The camera setup on the iPhone 11 has been significantly upgraded, and it now comes with a wide and ultra-wide lens, allowing for cropping and zooming in on shots. The camera also features a Night Mode, that automatically turns on in dark environments and brightens images whilst reducing the noise that’s commonly found in dark photos.
On the front, the TrueDepth camera has received a boost to 12 megapixels and gains wide-angle selfie support, along with Slow-Mo video and 4K 60fps.
QuickTake, also available on the other new iPhones announced today, lets you quickly shoot video by holding down on the camera shutter button, similar to what social media applications have.
As previously leaked, the iPhone 11 comes in six new colors – Product RED, Yellow, White, Black, Green and Purple. It’s now powered by an A13 Bionic processor, that’s said to be more power efficient and graphics capable, and gives the device an additional one hour battery life over the XR.
Apple has reduced the price of the iPhone 11 to $699 from $749 for the iPhone XR, and says it will accept pre-orders from Friday, with shipping from September 20th.