Apple has announced the Apple Watch Series 6 with performance improvements, new colours, additional health features and much more. The Series 6 starts at $399 for the 40mm GPS model and is available from Friday.
The Series 6 replaces the Series 5 and contains a new S6 chip based on the A13 Bionic from the iPhone 11 that provides up to 20% faster performance. It also contains an altimeter and improvements to the health sensor.
The major addition is an oximeter sensor, which can measure blood oxygen levels. If Apple Watch detects blood oxygen level below a certain amount, a notification will be triggered.
The Series 6 has a 2.5x brighter always-on display for outdoor situations with the addition of the always on altimeter which can display your altitude at any time through a watch face.
New colours – a blue aluminium case, an updated classic gold stainless steel and graphite stainless steel are options with the Series 6. A Product(RED) edition is also available. Apple Watch Series 6 will also ship with watchOS 7, bringing features like hand-washing detection, sleep tracking and more.