Adobe has unveiled the latest version of it’s most popular image editing program – Photoshop 2020. The major update features a new subject selection tool, speed enhancements and improvements to other functions. The logo has also been redesigned to match mobile apps.
If you’ve used Photoshop’s selection tools before, you’ll know how hard it can be to go around an image, selecting the outline cleanly, and getting that selection as good as possible. The new Object Selection tool uses AI to automatically select the outline of a subject or object that you choose. You just need to draw a box around the part of the image you’re outlining, and Photoshop will do the work for you. Although this feature was available last year, it was hidden and was worse at detecting edges. Adobe claims that this has been improved.
Additionally, the home screen is receiving a speed boost and performance upgrade. A few years ago, this screen was introduced to greet users with their recent documents and saved work. It was previously very slow and laggy, and creating a new document took some time. This has now been internally rebuilt to regain that expected speed.
When selecting a gradient, you’ll find that the gradients preset menu has been redesigned and no longer requires the user going through multiple dialogue boxes. It’s now a side panel, and features all-new, more suitable gradients rather than Word 2003 looking ones.
Content aware fill can now be customised as well. With the iPad application being introduced today, it’s now possible to sync PSD files using Creative Cloud – so you can edit a file on multiple desktops, or iPads. It will make working across a range of devices significantly easier.